Nyla’s Newborn PhotoShoot

Nyla’s Newborn PhotoShoot Welcome to Shy Violet Photography – Specialists in Newborn and Baby Photoraphy. The Newborn baby stage is such a very special time to capture your precious newborn baby and my very favourite time is between 6 and 12 days as this...

Nellie’s PhotoShoot at 8 days

Nellie’s Newborn PhotoShoot at 8 days Welcome to Shy Violet Photography – Specialists in Newborn and Baby Photoraphy. The Newborn baby stage is such a very special time to capture your precious newborn baby and my very favourite time is between 6 and 12...

Romero’s Newborn PhotoShoot

Romero’s Newborn PhotoShoot My very favourite time to capture your newborn baby for a Newborn Baby PhotoShoot is between 6 and 12 days as this is a wonderful age as a rule to capture the gorgeous, sleepy curled up shots that we all love.  Up to 2 weeks is...

Finley’s Newborn Baby Photo Shoot

Finley’s Newborn Baby Photo Shoot My favourite time to capture your newborn baby in your Newborn Baby PhotoShoot is between 6 and 12 days as this is a wonderful age as a rule to capture the gorgeous, sleepy curled up shots that we all love.  Up to 2 weeks is...

Delilah’s Newborn Baby PhotoShoot

Delilah’s Newborn Baby PhotoShoot Delilah Grace came to the studio at just 8 days old for her Newborn Baby Photoshoot.  The perfect age for these sleepy curled up shots we all love. My very favourite time to capture your newborn baby in your Newborn Baby...